All posts by Pati Ruiz

Illustration of three people surrounded by technology tools

Remote Learning During the Pandemic: No one was trained for this and it’s changing by the hour

By Judi Fusco and Pati Ruiz

During this uncertain time, we share stories about what different schools, districts, and educators are facing. As we spoke to educators, one sentiment that came through is that we’re all experiencing something new. Even educators with experience teaching online are supporting colleagues who haven’t done this before. All of the educators shared how going remote means you can’t do the same things as you do in a brick and mortar school. A half-full perspective says this is an opportunity to bring in new methods and think more about centering the student(s).

We spoke to three education leaders who have been thinking about online/remote learning for many years. Dr. Joy Lopez, Director of Technology at Sacred Heart Schools in CA helped create the SHP Flexible Plan for Instructional Continuity with Dr. Diana Neebe. Dr. Colleen Murray at Haddonfield Schools in New Jersey used the SHP plan to help create a guide for her district. At the Riverside County Office of Education, Dr. Steve Hickman helped develop remote learning guidance for the State of California. The three leaders had different perspectives depending on the people they serve; each discussed their plan as a starting point, and that each district, school, and teacher will need to figure out a solution for their unique situation. All of the educators spoke about the importance of making sure the people are the first priority. Dr. Lopez points out that this is a massive change and it’s not surprising that teachers and students feel like they are starting over.

We also spoke to Dr. Kip Glazer, a principal at a high school in Santa Barbara, CA who discussed the huge digital divide she sees; her high school is 51% free and reduced lunch. The school has been closed for a week, with the exception of providing meals for students, and will stay closed through spring break. Upon return, the district will move to remote learning. Right now, the focus is determining what they can do to deliver remote learning equitably. Because of the huge disparity in her district, Dr. Glazer has been considering, “What does remote learning look like for a kindergartner who is homeless, or for students with dangerous domestic situations?” In contrast, she has parents worried that their child won’t pass an AP test.

Dr. Glazer would love for people to understand that school is more than a place of testing, how it’s the heart and soul of a community. She sees students wandering around the school because they miss it. Drs. Murray and Glazer also discussed how the switch is causing some teachers and assistants, who are new to the digital world, to feel uncomfortable and uncertain about their role and what they can do to support students.

Remote learning is a new opportunity that will require learning on everyone’s part, creativity, compassion, and caring, and will continue to change in the next few weeks. We heard ideas for new classroom tactics. Dr. Lopez described how in situations with multiple teachers at the same grade level, they can team up for redundancy. She hopes none of her teachers get sick, but this could help mitigate coverage issues. Also, one kindergarten teacher got creative and put her iPad on a chair while talking to students to give the same view they have from the circle-time rug.

Sarah Hampton, a middle school math teacher is making ShowMe videos for students to help them understand operations with exponents. She discussed how her ShowMes have an advantage over those made by others because she can say things in ways her students are used to hearing. She further personalizes by saying names during the videos to direct their attention. Kristyn Palazzolo, a Library Media Specialist, is working to support families. She is building a parent website with virtual field trips, sample daily schedules, curated lists of shows, enrichment activities (at home crafts and science activities), and other resources. Kristyn is also creating a reading challenge where parents take pictures when they catch their children reading and STEAM video challenges; the first was to create a Rube Goldberg machine.

Thank you, educators, for sharing. We know how much you miss your students, and we look forward to seeing more in this new digital space.

CIRCL Educators’ Poster at Cyberlearning 2019

We enjoyed meeting everyone at Cyberlearning 2019 (CL2019) and in the spirit of accessibility, we wanted to share the poster we presented at the meeting here in a text-based post.

Recent Projects

  • NSF STEM for ALL Video Showcase facilitation and dissemination
  • Conference presentations
  • Webinar series on computational thinking
  • Book clubs

Purpose of the Community

Amplifying Voice

We share cyberlearning research through stories and examples that highlight our perspectives and experiences as educators.

Focusing on Learning

Moving beyond classroom management
and student engagement, we think about what learning means, how it looks, how it happens, and how new technologies help.

Empowering Educators

We provide a platform for educators to engage with current research in meaningful ways and connect them to experts.

Attending to Equity

We work to highlight research that focuses on equity and inclusion.

Helping Educators Learn in their Situation and Context

Learning should be personal. We encourage educators to think about and apply technology and learning in their context.

Sharing Free and Open Resources

We find and share high-quality, free, and open resources on technology research.

Who We Are

CIRCL Educators, in collaboration with the Center for Innovative Research in Cyberlearning (CIRCL), aims to bridge cyberlearning research with classroom practice and broaden the community of people engaged in creating effective new learning experiences.

We blog, host book clubs, lead webinars, and have developed a new learning sciences course for teachers.

“CIRCL has given me a community to read research and think about classroom practice, discuss, and push each other to think about topics that may not have come up otherwise.” – Elementary Teacher

“Because of CIRCL, I have a meaningful space to reflect on cyberlearning work alongside researchers and other educators who challenge me to understand technology in more precise ways. I can create more powerful learning experiences for my students.” – Middle School Math Teacher

Learning Sciences Course

A New Modular Course

Focused on classroom issues and bringing research to life for teachers. Based on a long and active history of collaboration between research and practice.


  • Debunking Myths: Looking at Evidence
  • Motivation from Different Perspectives (neuroscience, emotional, cognitive, psychological, sociocultural)
  • Identity, Belonging, Power, Privilege, Biases, and Funds of Knowledge
  • Turning Collaboration into Convergent Conceptual Change
  • Active Learning, Acquiring Knowledge, and Formative Assessment

Perspectives and Belonging

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grants 1837463, 1233722, 1441631, and 1556486.

Please note, the featured image for this post is a PDF image of the poster we presented.

Cover of Cyberlearning 2019 program with a title four images of children and a wordcloud in the center.

CIRCL Educators at Cyberlearning 2019: Exploring Contradictions in Achieving Equitable Futures

Register for the webcast!

As CIRCL Educators we’re all excited to collaborate and think together (in the same physical space!) about how we can apply Cyberlearning research in K–16 learning environments. As we get ready to travel to Alexandria, Virginia we have reviewed the agenda, read the Community Report, and looked at Emerging Directions from the Workshop Leaders Summit and white papers from individual workshops. While we’re all focused on applying research to practice, we were all drawn to different things as we reviewed the program agenda and materials for the meeting. We each wrote a little bit about that here.


I’m looking forward to Angela Booker’s keynote: Ethical Power Relations as an Act of Design. Specifically, I’m interested in hearing her perspective on how we can use cyberlearning insights and tools to increase democratic practice and new media use among youth and families. I first became interested in Dr. Booker’s work when I read the book she co-edited with Indigo Esmonde titled Power and Privilege in the Learning Sciences: Critical and Sociocultural Theories of Learning. In the introduction to that book, the editors describe “power as ever-present in the learning contexts” and urge us to “grapple with the ways our work is situated and mobilized with regard to power.” The book identifies opportunities for scholars to be critical of their own work and encourages them to consider contradictions and tensions in the field. I’m excited to learn more about Dr. Booker’s work and the work of other Cyberlearning researchers at CL19!


CL 19 will be a different type of conference than I am used to attending. I have attended, presented at, and organized many K12 Learning and Teaching, and EdTech conferences. I recently attended my first research focused conference, SIGCSE 2019 in Minneapolis, and it was a whole new experience to me. I found the content-heavy research sessions exhilarating and exhausting at the same time.

At CL 19, I will be introducing myself with my new role and school. I recently made the transition from a K12 public school educator (first an Elementary ESL Teacher then to a K12 Technology Integrationist) to now a Program Manager at Tufts University for the Early Childhood Technology (ECT) Graduate Certificate program where I teach in early childhood classrooms and online for graduate students. I think my experiences in early childhood, K12, and higher education provide me with a perspective that is valuable to our conversations.


I’m excited about the keynote by Mike Sharples because I have learned so much from the Innovating Pedagogy report series he established and from his book, Practical Pedagogy: 40 New Ways to Teach and Learn. In the book, I recognized some teaching strategies I already use but didn’t know the technical term for like Explore First, and I learned more about strategies I want to try like Spaced Learning and Learning through Argumentation. I expect his keynote topic, Theory-Informed Design of Cyberlearning at Scale, to be equally interesting.

Overall, I’m excited to learn more about what’s new in cyberlearning! The fact that our team has been able to meaningfully collaborate online is because of technologies like Zoom and Google Docs. That’s cyberlearning–using technology combined with how people learn to create rich learning experiences that otherwise wouldn’t be possible. I’ve seen cyberlearning work time and again in my classroom using PhET simulations, citizen science, expressive construction, and more. What else is out there that I don’t know about yet? What new tools and strategies will I learn that can benefit my students? There are sure to be exciting posts following our trip–stay tuned!

We’re all excited to meet people whose work we’ve followed for years and collaborate with cyberlearning researchers! Check out the program agenda and participate virtually by registering for the webcast  and using hashtag: #NSFCL19. As always, please share your thoughts with us on Twitter @CIRCLedu and use the hashtag: #NSFCL19


2019 STEM for ALL Video Showcase with image of youth in the background

2019 STEM Video Showcase Review: Teaching Accessibility to Broaden Participation

By Pati Ruiz and Amar Abbott

When this year’s STEM for All Video Showcase came around, two of us (Pati and Amar) were drawn to a video presentation titled Teaching Accessibility to Broaden Participation. According to the National Center for Education Statistics, 15% of K–12 students, 11% of college students, and 5% of graduate students have a disability. While this video focused on raising awareness about accessibility needs in graduate computer science courses, we found the video helpful in thinking about leveraging technology tools in the equitable design of courses.

Meeting the accessibility needs of all students is a federal mandate, however as an accessibility expert, I (Amar) think that it is often a struggle to provide students with the right supports due to a range of barriers including the absence of professional development opportunities for instructors as well as a lack of  affordances* in technology tools.

*What are affordances? Researchers use the term affordances to talk about the opportunities that a technology makes possible. The affordances of learning technologies are described in How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures as “a feature or property of an object that makes possible a particular way of relating to the object for the person who uses it (Gibson, 1979; Norman, 2013).”

After watching the video, we wanted to learn more about the work that still needs to be done to bring an awareness of accessibility needs to those who design technology tools. Co-PI of AccessComputing, Sheryl Burgstahler shares that a major barrier to information technology (IT) that her Accessible Technology Services office works on is non-accessible PDFs; scanned-in images that screen readers can’t access. Another major barrier is videos that don’t have captions or that have unedited computer-created captions. Here’s a great example of a video of computer-created captions going wrong and more information about creating accurate captioning. Sheryl encourages faculty members to use accessible IT when delivering online content instead of just teaching about it. In the showcase video comments, lead Presenter, Richard Ladner described a “chicken and egg problem” in graduate computer science (CS) programs that don’t teach accessibility topics and textbooks that don’t cover these topics. The lack of education about accessibility perpetuates the lack of accessibility content in courses.

There are a few points to underscore:

  • It is essential for educators to be aware of the ways in which software is disabling to their students and other stakeholders.
  • We need to ensure that our video content is captioned and that the documents we share with students, like PDFs, are machine readable.
  • We need to understand that there is a lack of education in CS programs about accessibility and that we should be asking questions about the IT that’s being developed and used in our schools and students from learning management systems to  websites and videos.
  • When we make tools more accessible, the benefits are often ones that help everyone!

Through this video, we learned that the technologies like speech recognition, captioned videos, texting, and video chats that were designed to solve accessibility problems, often become mainstream because they make using technology easier for everyone. An example highlighted by the presenters is the use of video subtitles when we find ourselves watching a video in a noisy setting like a bus or a train. I (Pati) often use  the screen reader on my phone, voice recognition, audiobooks, and captions in videos. I (Amar), use many of the same accessibility features that Pati does. As a person with a learning disability, I also use accessibility technologies to function in my daily professional life. Those technologies include Kurzweil, Dragon naturally speaking, and Mindview mind mapping software. I also teach my students to use assistive technologies to manage barriers in their academic and personal pursuits.

We find that assistive technology tools can change a person’s life and hope that projects like Access Computing can continue to raise awareness – in technical fields – about the accessibility needs of all people. This is essential as we work towards the equitable design of courses. We encourage other educators to explore Teach Access, The DO-IT (Disabilities, Opportunities, Internetworking, and Technology) Center, and CAST to learn more about removing barriers to participation in the resources we prepare for our students, our colleagues, and their parents. As always, please share your thoughts with us on Twitter @CIRCLedu.


National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. 2018. How People Learn II: Learners, Contexts, and Cultures. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Creative Coding in Python book

Interview with Creative Coding in Python Author Sheena Vaidyanathan

We were lucky enough to get to interview Creative Coding in Python author Sheena Vaidyanathan at CSTA 2019 in Phoenix, AZ! We asked her some of the questions that the CIRCLEducators compiled, check out her responses:

Can you tell us a little bit about how you got started in both art and computer science?

I am a computer scientist and have been involved in technology for many years. When I decided to take a break from tech, it was the perfect opportunity for me to pursue something I had always wanted to do – art. I decided to enroll in the local college to take art classes and also volunteer in the local schools to teach art. I found that I looked forward to days in the classroom and I really loved teaching. So when a position for an art teacher opened up in one of the local schools, I applied and got it. When the art position went away, I was able to transition to teaching computer science since that is my background. I throw in art when possible into my computer science classes!

Can you tell us about your book?

I wrote Creative Coding in Python: 30+ Programming Projects in Art, Games, and More. It is unique in that it uses colorful illustrations and creative projects to explain programming concepts. It is definitely the most beautiful coding book I have ever seen and will be a fun way for anyone (at any age – not just kids) to discover the joy of coding. I explain concepts using simple everyday metaphors and short snippets of code, and give step by step instruction for fun projects like chatbots, and games along with flowcharts and pseudocode. There are also challenging extension activities. It is not dumbed down, I share challenging and complex topics in an accessible way. In my book, you will learn about everything from data types, graphical user interface (GUI), function callbacks and more.

What are your tips for people new to CS to get started?

Start small, try one lesson and modify that small project that’s already working. Can you run it? Can you change a couple of lines of code? Then, once you’ve seen what code can do, you should take a class to learn more about programming.

What are some challenges that you face when training teachers about integrating computer science in their classrooms?

One challenge in elementary and middle school is that even if the teacher knows the content (coding) and wants to integrate it, they still need to justify whether or not it works with the rest of the content standards that they are teaching.

Teachers tend to go to the more tried and tested methods of teaching content (which doesn’t include coding) because introducing coding activities can take up valuable time resulting in them not having the time needed to do other topics/work. That balance can be very challenging. Even math teachers who know some coding and understand the advantages of using it to teach math, often do not use it in their classes. This is because they are short on time, and are under pressure of teaching a lot of content and making sure that students do well on the tests.

What are some of favorite projects in your book?

I am greatly inspired by the LOGO programming language and Seymour Papert’s original turtle, so I love using the turtle to teach coding. It is a classic way, and I still think the best way to teach kids to code. The turtle  puts the child in the code. They have to think like the turtle in order to move, this is called body syntonic. If they need to make the turtle on their computer “go left” they have to think about moving their entire body as if they were the turtle. This helps them think about instructions in a different way; the instructions are something that they can see themselves doing. It’s tangible and visual and it’s a connection that they will always remember because they were the turtle. By programming an object on the screen, kids learn to be specific in their directions. The computer will only understand what they write in their program.

My other favorite project (shared in my book – image below) goes back to my artistic background, and uses geometric shapes. In the project, you’re creating geometric shapes to create a bigger picture. You can use functions to define a house, for example, which is a rectangle followed by a triangle with  other shapes. Once you’ve defined a shape, you can write code to repeat it. So using geometric shapes, really appeals to me, because it’s relatable to how you would draw in real life. It’s so visual and then there’s a connection to code that I really like and I think it works very well to help people learn more about coding.

** In our book club, you will be challenged to create art work and follow along in Sheena’s book in Chapter 2.

What are you working on now?

I launched a new elective and I’m exploring more tools to make sure I’m bringing in the right tools to teach the content. I’m exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) in K-12 and am part of the AI4K12 initiative.

Sheena shared her work at CSTA 2012 in a session titled  Strategies for Teaching Coding to All Students which focused on her new class Coding Apps Games & more and the other was about work being done to advance computer science education in the area of AI.

There are so many resources that Sheena has put together on her website, so check them out! Connect with Sheena on Twitter and CIRCL Educators .

Connected Code book bover and CIRCL Educators Book Club twitter handle @CIRCLEducators and chat #CIRCLEdu

Connected Code Book Club #SlowChat Questions!

Welcome to our Book Club discussion of Connected Code! next book club will be a Twitter Slowchat! If you have not participated in a Twitter Chat before, please follow @CIRCLEducators and the authors of Connected Code Yasmin Kafai @katyaskit and Quinn Burke @QuinnBurke174.

Here are our questions for this book! Please use A.# and #CIRCLEdu when answering questions. For example, to answer Q1:

A1. #CIRCLEdu  [the text of your answer]

Please also send all of your own questions to @CIRCLEducators ! And contact us if you need help!

Q1. In Chapter 1, p.9 the authors write “Programming is a form of expressing oneself and of participating in social networks and communities.” How do you and your students use tech tools for computational participation? #CIRCLEdu

Q2. In Chapter 2, p.20 the authors describe how Papert thought of learning: “as building knowledge structures” through the use of artifacts. How do you use technology tools to help students (or you) think about concepts? #CIRCLEdu What tools are you using?

Q3. In Chapter 2, p.23 the authors describe the personal dimensions – the set of informal ideas and theories that are connected to personal experiences – that learners carry with them. How do you help your students make connections between the ideas that already exist and what they are learning in your classroom? #CIRCLEdu

Q4. In Chapter 3, p.36 the authors describe how Debbie was able to apply ideas from programming in Logo to making fraction representations more visually interesting. This shift is described as on from programming code to thinking computationally in terms of the code. Have you been able to see the development of computational thinking skills in your students? How? #CIRCLEdu

Q5. In Chapter 3, p.41 The author’s share Donald Murray’s perspective about writing not being “magical.” They go on to say: “Much like writing three decades ago, computer programming still faces this myth of the ‘magical.’” How are you or others you know making programming a process that students can understand? #CIRCLEdu

Q6. In Chapter 4, p.56 – The authors say that “Motivation to program and persist at troubleshooting their own code increases significantly when they work in pairs.” How do you encourage collaboration in your class? #CIRCLEdu

Q7. What was your favorite quote? Please include the page number! #CIRCLEdu

Q8. In Chapter 6 the authors discuss how to incorporate tangibles and simulations in the classroom. What are some tangible computing projects that you have (or have seen) incorporated in classrooms that really work? Why did it work? #CIRCLEdu

Q9. In Chapter 7, Connected Teaching, the authors discuss supporting learner’s agency (pp. 120-122) as well as Dewey’s idea that “learning activities must be applicable and testable in the worlds that children inhabit outside of the classroom” (p.121). How do you hope that your students might apply what they learn in your classroom/school when they are outside of the classroom? #CIRCLEdu

Q10. In Chapter 8, the authors discuss the reframing of computational thinking to computational participation. What do you think? #CIRCLEdu

Woman types on laptop code books surround her photo by #WOCinTech Chat

How to Encourage Young Women and Marginalized People to Participate in CS and Engineering (part two)

by Pati Ruiz

This is the second post in a two part series based on my dissertation which focused on encouraging the participation of women and African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native Americans/Alaskan Natives in computing. The first post focused on modeling an interest and passion for CS and creating safe spaces for students. This post focuses on building community, introducing students to careers, and making interdisciplinary connections.

Build Community and Connect Students with Mentors

Family support is important! Young adults encouraged and exposed to CS by their parent(s) are more likely to persist in related careers (Wang et al., 2015). And did you know that women are more likely than men to mention a parent as an influencer in their developing a positive perception of a CS-related field, more often citing fathers than mothers as the influencers (Sonnert, 2009)? Unfortunately, parents’ evaluation of their children’s abilities to pursue CS-related fields differs by gender; parents of boys believe that their children like science more than parents of girls (Bhanot & Jovanovic, 2009). Nevertheless, family support is crucial for young women and supportive family members — whether or not they are connected to the tech world — play a critical role in the encouragement and exposure that young women get to the field.

Helping parents understand the role that they can play is important. As educators, we can model for them how to encourage their children as well as how to dispel misconceptions and harmful stereotypes that their children might have heard. Sometimes parents and family members themselves might unknowingly be perpetuating harmful computer science world misconceptions with the comments they make to their children. As teachers, we can provide parents with training that might help them understand how to encourage and expose their children to the field in positive ways. After all, the research shows that this support can be provided by anyone – not just educators.

All of the young women in my study described the value of mentors. Even seeing representations of female role models in the media can encourage a young woman to pursue a CS-related degree. It’s important for young women to see representations of people who look like them in the field and to have real-life female mentors and peers who can support them in their pursuit of CS-related degrees and careers. As a result of the low number of women in the field, mentors and role models for women are primarily men. While this can be problematic, it does not have to be. Cheryan et al. (2011) found that female and male mentors or role models in computing can help boost women’s perceived ability to be successful if those role models are not perceived to conform to male-centered CS stereotypes. The gender of the role model, then, is less important than the extent to which that role model embodies current STEM stereotypes.

The actionability of some of the factors described above, then, allows educators and others to positively influence and encourage young women in high school to pursue CS degrees in college (Wang et al., 2015).

Introduce Careers

In their recent report titled Altering the Vision of Who Can Succeed in Computing, Couragion and Oracle Academy described the importance of introducing youth to careers in technology. They find that:

“It is critical to improve the awareness and perception of a breadth of careers in computing to meet the demands of our workforce and the desires of our students. We need to elevate high demand and high growth computing fields such as user experience (UX) and data science – that when understood, appeal to and attract underrepresented populations.“

What this report found is what I found in my research; many African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native Americans/Alaskan Natives students don’t know people working in the computing field and don’t know what career options can look like. Couragion is working to change this by providing inclusive, work-based learning experiences that prepare students for jobs of the future. What I like about Couragion’s approach is that students are able to use an app to explore careers and engage with role models through text, activities, and videos. As they work their way through different career options, students take notes and reflect using a digital portfolio. I think this is a great way for students to develop career consciousness, something I wish I had when I was in school (as a student and teacher)!

As a teacher, the way I would connect my students with industry careers was to connect with local groups like GirlDevelopIt and invite speakers to my classroom. I also had college students visit my classroom – it usually works well to have recent graduates come back to talk to students because students relate well to recent high school graduates. I also introduced computer scientists in the news. If I were teaching right now, I would highlight 2018 MacArthur Fellow Deborah Estrin. In her Small Data Lab at Cornell, Dr. Estrin and her team are designing open-source applications and platforms that leverage mobile devices to address socio-technological challenges in the healthcare field. Or, I might direct them to this recent article written by Clive Thompson titled The Secret History of Women in Coding.

Some participants in my study mentioned that they ended up majoring in CS because of a mentor. One participant talked about how one of her high school teachers “dragged her to” a Technovation event. There, she ended up seeing a young woman who she “saw herself” in so she decided to apply to the same college that the mentor attended, got in, and went. This participant envisioned herself there because of this near-peer. She said that she didn’t connect with her mentor once she got to the university that they both attended for a year together, but just seeing her ahead of her in the program was motivating.

Again, the idea here is to create opportunities for students to connect with people in the field – to see themselves and to see the possibilities. Some groups that my students have worked with include Girls Who Code, Black Girls Code and Technolochicas – there are many others. Which ones do your students work with?

Make Interdisciplinary Connections

Finally, we have the idea of making interdisciplinary connections. CIRCL Educator Angie Kalthoff wrote a post for EdSurge discussing this very topic. Angie encourages teachers to ask their students: What are you doing outside of school that you want to tell other students about? She and a group of Minnesota educators organize student-powered conferences where middle schoolers showcase what they’re really interested in learning about. Check out her post because getting together with other educators to organize your own student-powered conference might be an excellent way you support and recruit young women and African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native Americans/Alaskan Natives!

Interdisciplinary connections can be facilitated by teachers and it’s important to note that all of my study participants were very thankful to their K-12 teachers for having encouraged their pursuit of a technical field – even if they didn’t know they had. As one participant described, “a teacher who’s clearly passionate” is particularly encouraging.

One resource that can help you make interdisciplinary connections with students iss Connected Code: Why Children Need to Learn Programming by Yasmin B. Kafai and Quinn Burke. Join the CIRCL Educators book club to discuss this book starting in April!

Please note that the featured image for this post was created by #WOCinTech Chat, check them out! We’d love to hear from you — Tweet to @CIRCLEducators or use #CIRCLEdu.

Free, open, and high quality resources on the learning sciences

By Judi Fusco and Pati Ruiz

online learning

Below are some readings that can be used to introduce the learning sciences to a wide audience.  We (Pati and Judi) have been developing a course on the learning sciences for educators (see below for more on the target audience). We made it our goal to find free, open, and high quality resources and that were written for a wider community. Please take a look and let us know what you think.

If you’re a practitioner, have you read any of these?  If you’re teaching a course on the learning sciences, have you used any of these? If not, what have you used?  Are there any readings would you add? We’d love to hear from you — Tweet to @CIRCLEducators or use #CIRCLEdu.

Here’s a little more information about the course we are developing:

Purpose: Connecting educators and research(ers) in the learning sciences to create learning environments that use technology in ways to deepen learning and inspire students.

Objectives: Educators will be able to:

  • Describe from a learning sciences perspective what is known about topics such as motivation, identity, power and privilege, cognitive principles to enhance learning, collaboration and convergent conceptual change, constructivism (theory and pedagogical approach), inquiry, and other active learning approaches
  • Identify a range of learning theories and connect them directly to their own classroom practices
  • Understand affordances and constraints of technology for learning
  • Engage in conversations with other educators to discuss and make connections between practice and research
  • Apply findings from learning sciences research to design learning environments that use technology to strengthen learning

Target Audience: This course is designed for instructional coaches and mid-career and experienced educators (with at least 2 years of classroom experience) who are ready to examine and reflect on their practice. This course is created as a Masters level course, but we are interested in working to potentially create a similar course to be an advanced course or a capstone course in a credential program.

Course Format: We are developing the course in modules and the modules could be used in any course for teachers, including pre-service, with a professor facilitating. We hope to offer the course (through a university) this summer or fall.  As we develop materials for it,  we will share them.  Please do let us know if you are interested in talking with us about the course, learning more about the modules we’re developing, or trying anything out in your course.

Texts and Materials (all free and open)

How People Learn (2000)
How People Learn II (2018)
Developing Minds in the Digital Age (2019)
Learning Sciences – CIRCL Primer, other Primers,  and Posts from CIRCL Educators
Cyberlearning Community Report: The State of Cyberlearning and the Future of Learning With Technology
Innovating Pedagogy 2019; Innovating Pedagogy 2017; and Previous Reports
2018-2015 STEM for All Video Showcase videos
2019 STEM for All Video Showcase videos
DML Connected Learning Report
Naples Videos
Technology in Education What Teachers Should Know By Pedro De Bruyckere, Paul A. Kirschner, Casper D. Hulshof
Deans for Impact Resources
Pedagogical Knowledge and the Changing Nature of the Teaching Profession
The Brain Basis for Integrated Social, Emotional, and Academic Development
Relating Research to Practice Briefs
STEM Teaching Tools. Check out the research briefs
Introduction to the Learning Sciences
Connected Learning an agenda for research and design: A research synthesis report of the Connected Learning Research Network
MSPnet open library of research articles
NSF’s Public Access Repository
Selected (open) sections from:
The Cambridge Handbook of the Learning Sciences 2nd Edition (2014)
Power and Privilege in the Learning Sciences (2017)


Three women in a meeting image by rawpixel

How to Encourage Young Women and Marginalized People to Participate in CS and Engineering (part one)

by Pati Ruiz

This past July, I had the opportunity to present my dissertation research at the Computer Science Teachers Association conference in Omaha, Nebraska! My presentation was titled 5 Ways to Encourage Young Women & AHN to Participate in CS and Engineering. In this series of two posts I will summarize the highlights and share resources that I found incredibly helpful as I conducted my research.

In a recent Medium post, reported that in 2018, young women still only account for 28% of all students participating in AP Computer Science exams and only 21% of African Americans/Blacks, Hispanic/Latinx, and Native Americans/Alaskan Natives (AHN) youth participate. This is a problem that researchers like Jane Margolis have been working on for years. Dr. Margolis describes this structural inequality in computer science (CS) participation as an issue of empowerment and preparatory privilege. Addressing and dismantling the systems that perpetuate the underrepresentation of women and other groups in CS is important for the sake of equity and would also offer economic benefits (Beyer, 2014). With technology ubiquitous and mediating much of our daily lives, access to CS has become a civil rights issue. It is essential that those who sit at the design tables and those who lead technology projects represent diverse perspectives and the needs of our population as a whole. Unfortunately, there is a deep-seated lack of representation of women and AHNs in the computing field. This problem is the one I set out to study. My research focused on:

  • The intersectional identities of young women,
  • The distribution of power in computing, and
  • The elements that support, promote, and sustain the participation of women and underrepresented minorities in technical fields.

While I did study participants who identify as female, when I use the term “underrepresented minorities” I am including a range of identifiers that are considered marginalized in tech and computing, including the gender spectrum, age, race, socioeconomic status, and ability. Through my study, I wanted to gain a better understanding of the lived experiences of underrepresented women in undergraduate computer science and engineering programs. Among my primary findings is that more work needs to be done for positive advances to be made in the field.

This problem is particularly relevant to me. When I was in college, I studied CS in the school of business. That meant learning fundamental methodologies and approaches to computer programming with an emphasis on examining the complex relationships among science, information technology, business, and society. I did not go into the technology field immediately after graduation, though. The tech bubble had just burst, and I kept hearing about how hard it would be for me to find a job in tech. That — mixed with traditional CS world stereotypes (male, antisocial, etc.), stereotype threat, and not knowing anyone in the field or having a helpful advisor or any friends in my major who could help me — led me to pursue another passion: teaching. While I am so thankful to have gotten to teach Spanish (my first language) and Computer Science in grade 6-12 settings for over 15 years, I often wondered what would have happened if I had persisted in the tech world upon graduating. Where would I be now? Furthermore, as an educator interested in diversity and inclusion efforts, and someone who identifies as Latina, I have always been interested in the work being done to increase young women’s and AHN’s participation in computing from elementary school through industry. So, how can educators (specifically K-12 educators) encourage the participation of young women and AHNs in this field? Here are five ways:

  • Model an interest and passion for CS
  • Create safe spaces for making mistakes
  • Build community and connect youth with mentors
  • Introduce youth to careers in the field
  • Make interdisciplinary connections

You are probably familiar with these methods, and you are probably integrating many of these elements in your classrooms already! I will discuss the first two here and in my next post, I will provide some resources you might find helpful and that you can share with others as you continue to support all learners in your classroom.

Model an Interest and Passion for CS

My research and that of others shows that there are several ways that teachers can share their passion for the subject with students. Participants in my study identified teachers who modeled an interest and passion for CS and Engineering as creating opportunities for their students to engage with design, personalize their learning, share it with friends and family, and reflect on it. What my study participants were describing as supporting them in the CS classroom is a constructionist learning environment. Constructionist learning environments give students the opportunity to engage with design, personalize their learning, share, and reflect on their work.

As I conducted my research, I drew from two main frameworks when I looked to design engaging learning environments. First were the engagements practices found on the NCWIT EngageCSEdu platform and the repository of course materials centered around this research-based framework.

Three elements: Grow inclusive community, make it matter, build student confidence and professional identity.
NCWIT Engagement Practices

In my research, I found that the integration of these practices–growing an inclusive community, making it matter, and building confidence and a professional identity–engage diverse learners. Supporting these goals, the materials that are shared on the website can be sorted by engagement practice, course level, and programming language.

The second, very helpful resource that I use as an educator is the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) guidelines. This framework, described in more detail in this CIRCL Primer, is designed to improve and optimize teaching and learning for all people based on learning science research. The goal of UDL is to support learner variability by providing options to develop self-regulated learners who comprehend content and have high executive functioning skills.

UDL image that shows three parts of UDL: Providing multiple means of engagement, representation and action and expression to support learners who are purposeful and motivated, resourceful and knowledgeable, strategic and goal-directed

So, as CS teachers, you can model your interest and passion for CS by designing and delivering meaningful and interesting curriculum!

Create Safe Spaces for Making Mistakes

Learning environments that support metacognitive acts and encourage collaboration can support the persistence of girls in CS courses and careers as they learn to be resilient when faced with CS problems and challenges (Werner & Denning, 2009). Participants in my study described the importance of engaging in exploratory talk – or metacognitive monitoring of themselves and their partners. They described feeling very comfortable making mistakes with partners in pair programming activities because the stakes were not that high and they were able to talk through their work with someone else; it didn’t fall on them alone.

Modeling making mistakes is important. Let your students hear your problem-solving process and encourage them to share their own processes. But also make mistakes and talk about those mistakes. When I’m programming along with students (code along) and projecting my work on a screen, I make lots of mistakes and talk through those mistakes with my students. “My code didn’t run —  oh, I forgot to change directories in terminal and the file was not found, or I forgot a semicolon.” This modeling of mistakes is so important for students to see and hear.

One important note is that when grouping students, it is best to put those students with similar experience levels together and to avoid isolating women and underrepresented students – put young women and AHNs together so they can support one another, if you can. While some teachers may want to put an advanced student with a less advanced one, this is not always good. In Strategies for Educators to Support Females in STEM, Dr. Wiest (2014, p. 1) reminds educators to:

“Use varied, student-centered teaching methods within a ‘safe’ classroom climate. In particular, use mixed-ability, collaborative (rather than competitive) group work, hands-on methods, and meaningful (such as real-world and interdisciplinary) contexts. Use mixed-gender groups, but avoid placing only one girl in a small group, even if that results in having one or more all-male groups. Monitor and rotate these groups regularly.”

Read part two of this post here.

How do you model an interest and passion for CS? And, how do you create safe spaces for your students? Tweet @CIRCLEducators and tell us!

From Research to Practice: Introduction & Computational Thinking

by Angie Kalthoff and Pati Ruiz

Cyberlearning researchers including Shuchi Grover, Satabdi Basu, Eni Mustafaraj, Jodi Asbell-Clarke, and Katie Rich have been writing about and discussing computational thinking. Their research has been instrumental in helping us think about what these concepts and skills look like in the classroom. One thought from the CT primer that really resonated with us is:

“Increasing access to CT instruction is now widely discussed as a social justice issue.”

As educators with the goal of making Computer Science (CS) accessible for all, we often find ourselves wondering “how can I, share CS with other educators who might feel intimidated by this topic?” In this post we, Angie and Pati will, share how we are connecting what researchers are working on in many different domains and thinking about with what K-12 educators and parents can do to bring CS to their students and children. After all, as the authors of the CT primer point out: “several CT skills are not exclusive to the field of computer science.” For both of us, taking a broader lens gives us more tools to help.

I (Angie) don’t have a formal education in CS. I started my teaching career in an English Language(EL) classroom. It was during my time in my classroom, I discovered I really enjoy helping others create through the use of technology. This led me into my current role as a Technology Integrationist in a K-12 public school district.

My first tools for electronic creation included the iPod (yes, iPods the iPad wasn’t released yet) and interactive whiteboards. While my journey with these devices started as tools of consumption, they led towards tools of creation. However, it wasn’t until I discovered CS that I really felt like I was empowering my students to create anything they could think of. I saw coding as a way of self expression. This mindset grew in me as I explored research in the early childhood CS field.

The image below shows that, while CT can be a new concept for some of us, there are already many situations in which it can easily be brought into existing lessons. Learn more about Advancing Computational Thinking Across K-12 Education (the image below is from this document).

I (Pati) studied computer science in business (Operation and Management Information Systems) in college, but I didn’t get to begin teaching stand-alone CS classes until 10 years after I started teaching because they weren’t offered in my schools. I did teach digital literacy and computational thinking (CT) classes early on, as part of a Middle School skills curriculum. However, my understanding of CT has changed a lot since I worked with my first group of Middle School students. Thanks to the work of researchers that is summarized in this Computational Thinking Primer, I was able to learn more about the skills and dispositions important in CS education and continue iterating on the very first lessons I designed. One of the things that helps me in my teaching is to read about the research being done, think about what was learned, and bring back what I can to my classroom to make improvements. The research I read gives me different ways to think about what I’m seeing in my students and also what I’d like to see.

As researchers like Shuchi Grover and Jodi Asbell-Clarke have pointed out, experts still do not agree on what CT is and there is a CT communication problem. Angie, Sarah, Judi, and I did a lot of thinking on this topic when we worked on the Computational Thinking for Teachers & Parents Webinar Series to help teachers and parents bring CT into the classroom and into their homes. It took time for us to work through relevant research articles and examples. One thing that I really enjoyed about this process was getting to discuss these topics with other very thoughtful people and hearing about new lessons and games. Although I did not play it until much later, one CT game that I now enjoy playing is Human Resource Machine. In this game, you program office workers to solve puzzles using coding commands. According to the game developers, “you start the game with just 2 commands, and gradually earn more as you’re promoted. The entire language contains only 11 total commands – but they’re enough to simulate almost any computer algorithm in the world!” As long as you can do this well, you are considered a “good employee” and can work for another year. You should check it out and see if it could fit into your classroom or just help you think about CT on your own!

Finally, as we discussed how to share what we had learned about CT with other educators, we wondered where CT fits in other terms we had been using for years like digital literacy, programming, and CS. To help us think about these terms we remixed an image by Colin Angevine that we found in a report titled Computational Thinking for a Computational World.

In summary, computer science can be seen as the academic discipline that includes programming. Computational thinking includes the problem-solving processes that involve thinking, as Grover and Pea (2013) describe, “like a computer scientist when confronted with a problem.” Computational thinking is useful in many STEM domains and can be brought into other subject areas.

If you are interested in learning more about CT, visit Digital Promise microcredentials Computational Thinking: Key Elements and Practices. At the site, you will find competency-based recognition for professional learning on a variety of additional topics. In future blog posts, we’ll consider how CT differs from Computer Science education and teaching technology skills. Finally, please leave us a comment – we’d love to hear from you about how you use research to guide your work!


Grover, S., & Pea, R. (2013). Computational thinking in K–12: A review of the state of the field. Educational Researcher, 42(1), 38-43.

NRC. (2010). Report of a workshop on the scope and nature of computational thinking. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

NRC. (2011). Report of a workshop on the pedagogical aspects of computational thinking. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.